What Are Confusional Arousals?
What is
Confusional Arousal Disorder?
Confusional Arousal Disorder are sleep disturbances that happen during non-REM sleep. It is also referred to as sleep drunkenness or sleep inertia. This sleep disorder leads to very brief periods of waking up, however, the sleeper is confused and disoriented. Each episode lasts less than ten minutes.
Most people with this condition are not aware they have Confusional Arousal Disorder since they do not retain any recollection of these brief periods of waking up.
What Causes Sleep Arousals?
Sleep arousals can be caused by a wide variety of factors. When they happen regularly, they may be influenced by genetics or other factors. It is important to speak to a sleep specialist and get a diagnosis of sleep arousals. These arousals could be a sign of a deeper issue, like obstructive sleep apnea or Periodic Limb Movement Disorder.
Why Do I Wake Up Disoriented?
People may wake up disoriented for a wide range of reasons. If there is no known medical cause, it is a good idea to begin by examining lifestyle factors that can contribute. Certain medications can increase the likelihood of confusional arousals. Travel, stress, and anxiety also increase the risk of experiencing sleep interruptions.
What is a Confusional Migraine?
A confusional migraine is an intense headache that can appear alongside changes in vision, numbness, tingling, difficulty speaking, loss of consciousness, and a feeling of confusion.
Patients who experience confusional migraine should seek medical attention right away. The first step is to verify that they have experienced this condition and not another condition with similar symptoms. After diagnosis, treatment can be customized to the patient’s needs.
What Does It Mean to Wake Up Confused?
Waking up with some degree of confusion can happen for a wide range of reasons not always related to Confusional Arousal Disorder. Waking up too quickly, waking up during the deeper parts of a sleep cycle, or waking up due to an outside stimulus can all cause a certain level of confusion.
Before you become concerned about Confusional Arousal Disorder, it’s vital to look at two key factors: how often you experience sleep disturbances and whether the disturbances include the other symptoms associated with Confusional Arousal Disorder.
Is Memory Loss a Symptom of a Migraine?
A migraine does not cause memory loss. However, the pain and discomfort of a migraine may make it difficult to concentrate. When migraine affects sleep quality, the lack of sleep can also be a factor.
If you believe you have Confusional Arousals, make an appointment today with or doctors at Sleep & Neuroscience Associates in Greenwich, CT.